







(1) 個人情報の開示等請求書(様式を用意しております。個人情報に関わる苦情・相談窓口責任者にお問い合わせ下さい)
(2) 本人又は代理人であることを確認できる公的文書(免許証など)


個人情報の開示等(利用目的の通知、開示、内容の訂正・追加又は削除、利用の停止・消去及び第三者への提供の停止)のご請求、個人情報の取扱いに関する苦情及び相談につきましては、 以下の「個人情報に関わる苦情・相談窓口」にて受け付けており、遅滞なく回答いたします。

代表取締役社長 佐藤 道太



株式会社マイクロン:取締役 宮地 俊
〒108-0073 東京都港区三田三丁目13番16号 三田43MTビル9階

〒108-0073 東京都港区三田三丁目13番16号 三田43MTビル9階


〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木一丁目9番9号六本木ファーストビル内
TEL:03-5860-7565 0120-700-779


Privacy Policy

1.Utilization of personal information obtained other than in writing directly

(1) Personal information handled in contracted business (e.g. personal information of medical personnel).
 ・ To provide our company services (CRO services, etc.).
(2) Job applicant’s information obtained from a recruitment agency (e.g. recruitment websites or staffing companies.)
 ・ For recruitment screening.

2. Utilization of personal information subject to disclosure

(1) Personal information of customers and clients
 ・ To provide our company services (e.g. CRO services,sales of examination forms, etc.). For client management.
(2) Personal information of the person who made the inquiry to Micron
 ・ To respond to inquiries.
(3) Recruitment applicant’s information
 ・ For recruiment screening and communication with applicants.
(4) Employee’s information
 ・ For employee employment management (e.g. Human resource management, salary payment). For our company’s business development and promotional activities.

3. Requests for personal information disclosure, complaints, and consultations

Requests for personal information disclosure (notification of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction/amendment or deletion, suspension of use, or discontinuation of provision to a third party) and complaints or consultations concerning the handling of personal information are handled by the “Personal Information Service Desk” below and a response will be provided without delay.

4. Procedures for responding to disclosure requests (personal information’s; notice of the purpose of use, disclosure, correction/amendment or deletion, suspension of use, suspension of provision to a third party)

Following documents are required.

(1) Personal information disclosure application form (A specific form is needed. Please contact the person in charge of the Personal Information Service Desk)
(2) An official document that can be a proof of the person or the person’s representative (such as a driver’s license).
Note: When responding to requests for disclosure of personal numbers and specific personal information, etc., Micron will confirm the person or the person’s representative in accordance with laws and regulations concerning specific personal information and guidelines set by the government.
(3) Fee
 ・ 1,000 yen (including Japanese tax) will be charged for each application in respect to notification or disclosure of personal information. Fees should be sent by postal money order or registered mail.

Micron, Inc. 
Michita Sato, President 




Personal Information Protection Manager
Micron, Inc. Board Director Suguru Miyaji
Mita 43 MT Bldg., 9F
3-13-16 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073, Japan
Phone: 81-3-6631-3691


Personal Information Service Desk
Micron, Inc.
Person in charge : Manager of Administration Department
Mita 43 MT Bldg., 9F
3-13-16 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 108-0073, Japan
Phone: 81-3-6631-3691


Authorized personal information protection organization and contact window

 Japan Information Processing Development Corporation*
Secretariat of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organizations
Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 ,
Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan
Phone: 81-3-5860-7565 (Toll free Japan only: 0120-700-779)

* Please note that this contact information is not for Micron’s products and services